Athletes Kit
Athletes Kit
Whether in competitive arenas or a local gym, activity is a cornerstone of health. As anyone who has ever donned workout shoes will tell you, athletic activity can tax your body, and make it sore. The doTERRA Athlete’s Kit was designed with athletes in mind, and is perfect for supporting healthy lifestyles from competitive to health-minded. The kit includes key products for those with an athletic lifestyle: 5mL bottles of doTERRA Breathe, doTERRA On Guard, Lavender, Tea Tree, and Peppermint and a 120 mL tube of Deep Blue Rub presented in a compact, reusable zippered pouch. With the Athlete’s Kit, you can enjoy implementing athleticism in your life.
doTERRA partners with athletic facilities to provide elite athletes with the beneficial properties of essential oils. This same kit is now available to all sports enthusiasts and athletes. Packaged in a convenient carrying case for use wherever your activities take you, this kit is geared toward active individuals who are new to the benefits of essential oils and doTERRA.